1Academia Romānă, Filiala Cluj-Napoca, Colectivul de Geografie, str. Republicii Nr. 9, Cluj-Napoca,

Abstract: - Capitalization of the touristic cultural potential in the Arieşului Basin. The Arieşului Basin is characterized by a substantial touristic potential that is capitalized in four areas of distinctive, yet complementary touristic heritage. The first area is extended around the city of Turda, an area that has benefited from significant investments (like the rearrangement of the Turda Salt Mine) which led to a significant increase in the number of tourists. The second area, the Trascău Depression, is characterized by the specific touristic offer attracting a loyal and constant clientele. The area overlapping the Arieşului Middle Basin displays a great potential for religious and cultural tourism. Its assets can be included in thematic routes, connecting them to the similar sites in Ţara Moţilor, the fourth identified area which is characterized by the great number of accommodation units, and the most consistent touristic flows. The Roşia Montană-Abrud micro-area stands out due to the specific cultural and touristic assets and to the specific touristic phenomenon developed by the efforts of the local community and NGOs involved in the revival of the location and inspite of the extremely controversial mining project and the obstacles raised by the local authorities. The obvious possibilities of setting up touristic routes that would integrate similar resources (salt, iron and gold mines, wooden churches and monasteries, the cultural landscape marked by the typical architecture etc.) are yet not capitalized.

Key-words: cultural tourism, Arieşului Basin, cultural heritage, cultural route


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