George-Bogdan Tofan1, Adrian Niţă2

1 Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice, Informatică şi Inginerie, Departamentul de Inginerie şi Informatică, Filiala Baia Mare, Strada Culturii Nr. 5, România, e-mail:
2 Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai”, Facultatea de Geografie, Extensia Gheorgheni, Grădina Csiki, România, e-mail:


Abstract. – The results of the local elections in Harghita County, 5th June 2016. The article intends to present the territorial distribution of the people’s electoral choices at the 2016 Local Elections. Based on the official statistical data from the Central Electoral Bureau, we analysed the electoral decisions for mayors, local and county councillors. Therefore, we created several tables containing a series of indicators for each administrative-territorial unit in Harghita: the total number of voters; total of valid votes; the name of the candidate who won the mayoral seat; its political affiliation; the number and percentage of valid votes, as well as the number of voting stations. After analysing the data, a map was created, depicting the territorial distribution of mayors for all 67 administrative units that make up the County of Harghita, according to their political affiliation. The novelty of these elections - the chairman or president of the county council was not elected by the people, but was designated by indirect vote, from the ranks of the county councillors. We would also like to mention the fact that, several months prior to the elections, attempts were made to modify the Electoral Code in order to reintroduce two voting rounds, but eventually these demands were not validated by the Romanian Constitutional Court. In Harghita, the people elected 67 mayors, with the following affiliations: DUHR (47), SDP (7), HCP (5), independents (5), the HCP-HPPT (2), and NLP (1). Out of the 837 county council seats most went to DUHR (530), followed by HCP (77), HPPT (68), SDP (53), NLP and the HCP-HPPT alliance with 33 mandates each, IC (24), LDEP (8), NDP and POL (2 mandates each), while GRP, GP, HPP-LS, CDNPP, PMP, RP-PE, DARP won one seat each. Harghita County Council is currently comprised of 30 councillors (18 DUHR representatives, 4 HCP, 3 SDP, 3 HPPT, and 2 NLP) and its president (Borboly Csaba), member of the DUHR.

Cuvinte cheie: primari, consilieri locali, consilieri judeţeni, UDMR.


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