Nicoleta, DAVID1, Sorin, FILIP1, Ştefan, BILAŞCO2, Viorel, GLIGOR1

1Universitatea ,,Babeş-Bolyai” , Facultatea de Geografie, Str. Clinicilor, Nr. 5-7, Cluj-Napoca, România
2 Academia Română, Filiala Cluj, Colectivul de Geografie, Str. Republicii, Nr. 9, Cluj-Napoca, România

Abstract. - The Demographic Potential of Tasnad Microregion. The demarcation of Tasnad Microregion to its present shape is based on criteria formulated by the opportunity of delivering access to local development vectors through projects focused on the most urgent needs. From the demographic point of view there is a series of phenomena such as low population density (well below the national average), decrease in the number of population due to negative natural balance and emigration, population aging, mixed ethnic structure. Population aging and the decrease in the number of population represent major demographic risks.


Cuvinte cheie: potenţial demografic, dinamica naturală, îmbătrânirea demografică, Tăşnad, structura populaţiei.




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