Nicolae CIANGĂ

Academia Romānă, Filiala Cluj, Colectivul de Geografie,

str. Republicii nr.9, Cluj-Napoca, Romānia.



ABSTRACT. - Mărginimea Sibiului. The Touristic Potential, Arrangement and Capitalization. This study accomplishes an analytical approach of the main components of the primary touristic offer which are imposed in the individualization of the touristic personality of Mărginimea Sibiului. Within the touristic potential of the natural background, the morpho-landscape components related to the Cāndrel and Şureanu Mountains stand out, at which the hydrographical network and especially the lacustrian surfaces are to be added.  These, together with the biotic layer, contribute to the individualization of some protected areas (reservations) of a high scientific and landscape value. The rural civilization and culture particularizes the Mărginimea Sibiului as one of the most representative ones, related to the pastoral activities, involved rural communities and the resulted habitate on the length of a more than a half of a millenium. All of these are reasons of a complex touristic arrangement, among which the rural touristic board and lodgings become more and more established.

Cuvinte cheie: potenţial turistic, amenajare, valorificare



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