Landslide susceptibility in the rural area of Bucovina

Phd. Stud. Nicoleta Ileana Morar1, Prof. Dr. Vasile Efros2, Dr. Sanda Roşca3

1 „Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Geography Department, Suceava
2 „Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Geography Department, Suceava
3 Babeș–Bolyai University, Geography Faculty, Cluj Napoca

Abstract: The territorial support of the Bucovina region is characterized by its complexity, this characteristic deriving primarily from the fact that it meets in its boundaries different properties, the western part being a mountainous region and the eastern one of plateau. Sketching an actual image of the existing dysfunctions of the region from a natural perspective requires an analysis of the susceptibility of landslides, this being one of the most common problems when it comes to the quality of the natural support of a geographic complex. The predisposed areas to this type of hazard will be outlined into a cartographic support according the semi-quantitative method governed in Romania by G.D. no 447/2003 which establish the elaboration and the content of natural hazards at landslides. In order to achieve this objective, it has been used G.I.S. technique both for the construction of vector and raster necessary data bases and for statistical analysis of the final results. Last but not least through the mentioned technique it can be identify the risk caused in the territory by landslides. One of the benefits of this study is the forecasting of regional development projects in rural areas from Bucovina.

Key-Words: landslides, regional development, rural settlements, Bucovina



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